Iheringia. Série Botânica.
pt-BRIheringia. Série Botânica.0073-4705Structural changes in needle epicuticular waxes of Balkan Abies species in relation to natural weathering
<p>This study represents the first survey of the structural changes of epicuticular waxes of<em> Abies alba, A. </em>x<em> borisii-regis</em> and <em>A.</em> <em>cephalonica</em> in relation to natural weathering. In all three studied species, epicuticular wax on the adaxial side of the needles was in the form of granules, whose amount increased with age of needles, so they were most prominent on the oldest needles. The main wax crystalloids on the abaxial needle surfaces were tubules with a tendency to concentrate within the stomatal complexes and between them in the stomatal rows. As the tubules aged they generally tended to agglomerate and fuse, forming amorphous wax crusts. Although we did not find differences in the micromorphology types of epicuticular wax among the examined species, both the tendency of amount of granules to increase and the degree of degradation of tubules into amorphous crusts as the result of natural ageing process were well-documented.</p> Jelena S. NikolićMiroslav S. MiljkovićBojan K. ZlatkovićBiljana M. NikolićZorica S. Mitić
Copyright (c) 2024 Jelena S. Nikolić, Miroslav S. Miljković, Bojan K. Zlatković, Biljana M. Nikolić,Zorica S. Mitić
2024-02-012024-02-017910.21826/2446-82312024v79e20241246Increasing the knowledge on the distribution of Taccarum ulei (Araceae)
<p><em>Taccarum ulei </em>(Araceae) is reported for the first time for Bahia state. This is also the first mention of the genus <em>Taccarum </em>for the State. The species was registered in the municipality of Barra and Vitória da Conquista. We provide notes on the morphology, habitat, distribution, as well as photos of the plant and a map of the new occurrence.</p>Karena Mendes PimentaCecília Oliveira de Azevedo
Copyright (c) 2025 Iheringia. Série Botânica.
2025-02-252025-02-257910.21826/2446-82312024v79e20241355Substrates with biostimulators and chicken manure on the growth of Allophylus edulis
<p>The objective was to investigate suitable substrates for the growth of <em>Allophylus edulis</em>. Oxisol substrate combinations collected in an area under ‘Cerrado’ (LC), under forest fragments, Atlantic Forest (LM), with chicken mature (CF), Penergetic K® (Pen) and Fert-Bokashi® were tested. (Bok). On substrates with incorporated chicken mature, there was an average increase of 332.9% P, 137% Ca, 124% Mg and 271% Zn. On substrates with incorporated chicken mature (LC + CF, LC + Pen + CF and LC + Bok + CF) there was an increase, on average, of 332.9% P, 137% Ca, 124% Mg and 271% Zn and reached the largest diameter of the plant stem, leaf and root area. The addition of chicken mature to the substrate contributed positively to the growth of the cocum plants.</p>Fernando Henrique Moreira dos SantosAdemir GoelzerOrivaldo Benedito da SilvaCleberton Correia SantosNéstor Antonio Heredia ZárateMaria do Carmo Vieira
Copyright (c) 2024 Iheringia. Série Botânica.
2024-06-262024-06-267910.21826/2446-82312024v79e20240943Effect of the fipronil insecticide on physiological and morphoanatomical parameters in Cerrado species
<p>The increase in the use of pesticides in the Cerrado region has been influenced by the expansion of agricultural production, driven by agribusiness. These products can reach non-target areas through drift, becoming a significant threat to numerous native species with high economic, ecological, and social potential. In Brazil, fipronil is among the most commercialized insecticides for controlling pests resistant to other pesticides. Therefore, the objective was to identify the physiological and morpho-anatomical responses of <em>Eugenia dysenterica </em>when exposed to fipronil to assess its potential as a bioindicator species for areas affected by this insecticide. Phytotoxicity, physiological, and morpho-anatomical characteristics of <em>E. dysenterica </em>were analyzed at the following concentrations of fipronil: 260, 520, and 1040 g.a.i./ha, respectively. The individuals showed sensitivity to the insecticide with phytotoxicity symptoms, reductions in photosynthetic rates, stomatal conductance, and transpiration, as well as anatomical modifications in tissues (changes in cell shape and coloration of contents in the secretory canal, a decrease in the thickness of epidermal tissues, and palisade parenchyma). These changes can serve as an indicator of fipronil presence in these plants and open the perspective for the use of <em>E. dysenterica </em>as a biomonitor of environments contaminated by this insecticide.</p>Lícia Priscila Nogueira AzevedoTiago Borges RochaFlavia Barreira GonçalvesAna Beatriz Nunes RibeiroVictorina Bispo AiresEduardo Andrea Lemus ErasmoKellen Lagares Ferreira Silva
Copyright (c) 2024 Iheringia. Série Botânica.
2024-07-022024-07-027910.21826/2446-82312024v79e20241112New occurrences of ferns for the Campos Sulinos of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
<p>Fern diversity in the state of Rio Grande do Sul is approximately 330 species, and the richness of this group in the Campos Sulinos formations is still underestimated. Recent field efforts, in conjunction with a review of regional herbariums and search on scientific collection databases, confirmed three new regional occurrences and one new national occurrence. The species <em>Adiantopsis tweediana </em>(Hook.) Link-Pérez & Hickey (Pteridaceae), <em>Anemia trichorhiza </em>Gardner (Anemiaceae) and <em>Hymenophyllum trichophyllum </em>Kunth (Hymenophyllaceae) are new to Rio Grande do Sul, and <em>Pellaea ternifolia </em>(Cav.) Link (Pteridaceae) has its first record in Brazilian territory. This study includes taxonomic information, geographic distribution, habitat type, field observations, conservation data, threats in Rio Grande do Sul, field photographs and a map with new records for the species mentioned previously.</p>Rosana Moreno SennaFelipe Gonzatti
Copyright (c) 2024 Iheringia. Série Botânica.
2024-07-192024-07-197910.21826/2446-82312024v79e20241281Conservation of Manilkara salzmannii in an Atlantic Forest fragment through the study of fruits and seeds
<p>The objective of the study was to evaluate the biometry of fruits and seeds and the emergence of seedlings on different substrates of <em>Manilkara salzmannii</em> (A. DC.) H. J. Lam (massaranduba). We measured 100 fruits and 116 seeds and recorded biometric variables to calculate descriptive statistics, and applied correlation analysis. For seedling emergence, we evaluated four substrate treatments (T1: bovine manure + sand in 2:1 proportion; T2: bovine manure + sand in 1:1 proportion; T3: sand; and T4: sand + clay in 1:1 proportion). The fruits had average length of 16.67 mm, width of 17.10 mm and fresh mass of 3.20 g. The seeds had average length of 10.65 mm, width of 7.13 mm, thickness of 4.68 mm, and fresh mass of 0.22 g. There was a positive correlation between the fruit and seed variables. The lowest seedling emergence percentage was produced with 1:1 sand/clay ratio, which in contrast provided the highest emergence speed index (ESI). The biometric characteristics of fruits and seeds and the identification of the best substrate for seedling emergence will serve as a basis for seedling production and improve understanding of the species’ propagation.</p>Ageu da Silva Monteiro FreireKyvia Pontes Teixeira das ChagasAnna Luiza Araújo MedeirosJéssica Ritchele Moura dos SantosFábio de Almeida Vieira
Copyright (c) 2024 Iheringia. Série Botânica.
2024-03-152024-03-157910.21826/2446-82312024v79e20241030Ecology of vascular epiphytes in an urban forest fragment in southern Brazil
<p>The distribution of vascular epiphytes on their phorophytes is linked to the substrates they provide, while their frequency is related to intrinsic phorophytes factors or to epiphyte adaptations. We analyzed composition, diversity, and spatial and community distribution of vascular epiphytes in a forest fragment in Canoas, RS, Brazil. Epiphyteswere sampled using an asymmetrical methodology. The phytosociological study employed a method based on division of phorophytes into ecological zones and epiphytes were classified by lifeform and types of pollination and dispersal. We recorded 120 phorophytes, belonging to 16 species, and 13 species of epiphytes, 6 pteridophytes and 7 angiosperms. <em>Cattleya intermedia </em>Grah. is considered threatened at the regional and national levels. Habitual holoepiphytic, entomophilic and anemochoric species predominated. <em>Microgramma vacciniifolia</em> (Kaulf.) de la Sota was the most frequent epiphyte in the lower and upper ecological zones. There was a significant and positive relationship between increased phorophyte DBH and increased epiphyte species richness. Three of the six species with the highest epiphytic importance values in the community were considered indicators of occurrence in the trunk ecological zone, two in the low trunk zone, and one in the external canopy.</p>Diego Floriano da RochaMichelle Helena NervoRafael Augusto Xavier BorgesSérgio Augusto De Loreto BordignonCristina Vargas Cademartori
Copyright (c) 2025 Iheringia. Série Botânica.
2025-01-062025-01-067910.21826/2446-82312024v79e20241249You don’t have to kill the orchids – good practices in orchid research
<p>Orchids are globally threatened by habitat loss and poaching. In this context, we present suggestions to maximize the gathered scientific information without compromising the continuity of orchid populations: 1. To keep population coordinates in secrecy and avoid unnecessary or careless postings on social media; 2. To acquire and carry valid, working/collecting permits; 3. To make a complete photographic record of the orchid features before pressing the specimens; 4. Plant and insect (pollinators) vouchers are to be kept to the strictly necessary and must be deposited in accredited Herbaria and Entomological collections, respectively; 5. Orchid fruits for propagation purposes should be collected only when they are ripe enough, well-developed, and devoid of insects/illnesses. Recommendations to address all these methodological suggestions are presented. In particular, we advocate that it is completely unnecessary to kill (press) entire orchid specimens and provide instructions to properly voucher epiphytic and terrestrial orchids without pressing whole plants. The advantages of working in association with Living Orchid Collections held in Botanical Gardens or other Institutions are discussed. Only pollinarium-carrying insects are to be considered orchid pollinators and should be sampled in moderate numbers, for their identification by taxonomists. Appropriate techniques to record natural orchid pollination are also discussed.</p>Rodrigo B. SingerCristiano R. BuzattoRosana Farias-SingerNelson B. Machado-NetoCeci C. CustodioKit Prendergast
Copyright (c) 2024 Iheringia. Série Botânica.
2024-05-142024-05-147910.21826/2446-82312024v79e20241356Bunchosia apiculata (Malpighiaceae)
<p><em>Bunchosia apiculata </em>Huber (Malpighiaceae): a new occurrence for Paraíba state, Northeast Brazil. <em>Bunchosia </em>is a Neotropical genus with about 75 species, of which 11 are known from Brazil, and one, <em>B. pernambucana </em>W.R. Anderson registered for Paraíba state. Here, we present the first record of <em>B</em>. <em>apiculata </em>for Paraíba, expanding its occurrence 364 km further towards the northeastern from the nearest record. This species was previously known from the states of Amapá, Pará, Ceará, Maranhão and Piauí. This paper provides a description of this species, comments on geographic distribution and habitat, photographs and conservation status. Additionally, we present a map and diagnostic key to the five species of <em>Bunchosia </em>from Northeast Brazil.</p>Valdeci Fontes de SousaAugusto Francener
Copyright (c) 2024 Iheringia. Série Botânica.
2024-05-132024-05-137910.21826/2446-82312024v79e20240947Árvores e regenerantes em florestas nativas e plantadas sobre influência de maciço alcalino de Poços de Caldas
<p>The Alkaline Massif of Poços de Caldas is a priority region for the biodiversity conservation. Even the region is still threatened by anthropic actions. Recovery involves methods such as monospecific plantings. However, the current conservation status is incipient. Given this panorama, this research aims to: present the richness, composition and structure of trees and regenerating in native and planted forests; verify if there is similarity of composition in different vegetation types; and to correlate the trees and regenerants with soil characteristics of the alkaline massif. Through a sampling of trees (19 plots - 20×15m) and regenerating trees (25 plots - two plots of 6m2 within the larger plots) in areas of native forest, capoeira, eucalyptus monoculture and pine monoculture. A total of 134 tree-shrub species were found, distributed in 75 genera and 40 families. This richness is below in relation to researches close to the alkaline massif. The heterogeneity and complexity of the environment affect the composition, as well as the structure that presents species of different successional stages for both trees and regenerators.</p>Marcelo Souza MottaFelipe Santana MachadoAloysio Souza de MouraGleyce Campos DutraAntônio Cláudio DavideMarco Aurélio Leite Fontes
Copyright (c) 2024 Iheringia. Série Botânica.
2024-12-022024-12-027910.21826/2446-82312024v79e20241144Checklist and aspects on the conservation of the vascular flora of Turvo State Park, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
<p>Floristic checklists carried out in Protected Areas represent important tools for flora management. A checklist of Turvo State Park’s vascular flora was created based on a floristic survey published on 1985 and using the available databases and own collections. Biological form, habitat, category of threat and rarity of the species were indicated. Rheophytic species were listed and categorized. A total of 892 species were recorded, being 800 angiosperms and 92 ferns and lycophytes, representing an increase of 22,7% in relation to the previous list. The richest families were Asteraceae (62 species), Poaceae (57) and Fabaceae (53), making up 19% of the total. Herbs (40%) were the most representative biological form, followed by climbers (18%), trees (17%), epiphytes and subshrubs (8% each), shrubs (7%) and other forms (2%). There are 42 rheophytes, 13 of which are exclusive, 9 are preferential and 20 are occasional. A total of 51 species are threatened with extinction, being 24 in the Vulnerable category, 16 Endangered and 11 Critically Endangered. Thirty-tree species of restricted occurrence to the Alto Uruguai region in Rio Grande do Sul state were highlighted. The present results demonstrate the need for updating floristic lists as one of the basic tools for biodiversity conservation.</p>Willian Souza PiovesaniPaulo Brack
Copyright (c) 2024 Willian Souza Piovesani, Paulo Brack.
2024-02-012024-02-017910.21826/2446-82312024v79e20241352Contributions to the fungal diversity of the Cerrado
<p>The Cerrado biome is considered a biodiversity hotspot. Nevertheless, it has one of the least known fungal diversities in Brazil. In order to increase knowledge of its diversity and distribution, samples were collected, in September of 2018, from three national conservation parks and one private property covering Cerrado regions in the states of Minas Gerais, Goiás, Tocantins and Maranhão. 53 specimens were identified, comprehending 37 species from 12 families and five orders of Agaricomycetes. Nine species are new records for the Cerrado and, amongst them, Perenniporiella tepeitensis is also a new record for Brazil. Brief descriptions and taxonomic issues of each species are presented, and knowledge of fungal diversity in the four states increased considerably.</p>Nicolas do Carmo RegioMelissa PalacioMauro Carpes WestphalenShirley Cunha FeuersteinRosa Mara Borges da Silveira
Copyright (c) 2024 Iheringia. Série Botânica.
2024-01-082024-01-087910.21826/2446-82312024v79e20241102Catalog of continental diatoms (Bacillariophyta) from southern Brazil
<p>The present study was dedicated to catalog the taxa (at the specific and infraspecific level) of continental diatoms recorded in the southern region of Brazil between the years 1954 and 2021. The taxa were listed in alphabetical order within their respective genera with synonyms (=) and nomenclatural changes. A total of 234 articles published in periodicals within the above-mentioned period were catalogued. This study presents a review and update of the diatom records already presented in specific catalogs for the states of Rio Grande do Sul and Paraná. In addition, it presents the records of diatoms in the state of Santa Catarina, which, until now, lacks a catalog dedicated to these organisms. The genera that presented the greatest richness were <em>Navicula </em>(166 taxa), <em>Eunotia </em>(142 taxa) and <em>Nitzschia </em>(78 taxa). Paraná was the Federation Unit with the highest number of diatom records (1248 taxa), followed by Rio Grande do Sul (729 taxa). Santa Catarina had the lowest number of records of diatoms (383 taxa) due to the scarcity of studies on these organisms and is therefore considered a priority area for studies on the biodiversity of the class Bacillariophyceae.</p>Rhuann Carlo Viero TaquesMauracélia Carlin PaganiniPatricia Carla Giloni-LimaVanderlei Aparecido de Lima
Copyright (c) 2024 Iheringia. Série Botânica.
2024-05-232024-05-237910.21826/2446-82312024v79e20241280Seed storage influences the seedling emergence and growth of Tocoyena formosa, a native species from Brazilian Savannah?
<p>Studies related to seed performance during storage represent a start for the sustainable use of native plant species, such as Tocoyena formosa, a native species from the Brazilian savannah with antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties. This study aimed to verify the effects of packaging, temperature, and storage period on the seeds of Tocoyena formosa. The seeds were packed in aluminum foil and glass bottles and stored at 5 °C, 15 °C and 25 ± 2 °C for 0, 14, 28, and 56 days. After, the seeds were sowed in cell trays containing substrate composed of pine bark chips, aggregating agents, vermiculite, coconut fiber, and mineral complements at 70% shade; seedlings quality was evaluated until complete stabilization of emergence. The fresh seeds had a lower percentage (42%) of emergence than the seeds stored for 56 days, which presented 57% emergence regardless of the temperature or packaging. The stored seeds in impermeable glass packaging at and temperature range of 5 to 15 °C showed higher emergence in less time and provided seedlings of high quality.</p>Thaliny BonamigoTathiana Elisa MasettoSilvana de Paula Quintão Scalon
Copyright (c) 2024 Iheringia. Série Botânica.