Demographic aspects of palmiteiro (Euterpe edulis Mart.) in an area of the Hillside Atlantic Forest, Maquiné – Rio Grande do Sul.
natural regeneration, plant conservation, palm.Abstract
This study was carried out on the northern coast of Rio Grande do Sul State. The first stage was about a phytosociological survey of individuals with DBH beginning with 5 cm. The second stage was with samples of the palm population distributed in classes by size, including those cut. In the first stage, 186 ind./ha were found, including those cut. In the second stage the number of individuals estimated was 3,723 seedlings (69.74%), 1,373 young trees (15.13% young I and 10.73% young II), 243 immature trees ( 2.81% immature I and 1.44% immature II) and
four adults (0.14%). Regarding relationship between the living and dead plants, it was verified 1% of adult live plants, 23% of cut individuals and 76% of dead bases. The low percentage of adults and the high percentage of cut individuals and stem bases indicate an exploitation of the species without the necessary control for natural regeneration and preservation of the population in the studied area.
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