Siphocampylus betulaefolius (Cham.) G. Don: propagation and the ornamental potential.


  • Claudimar Sidnei Fior
  • Anaíse Costa Calil
  • Cristina Leonhardt


Siphocampylus betulaefolius, coral-da-serra, floriculture, plant domestication.


Siphocampylus betulaefolius (Campanulaceae) is a perennial species, native to Brazil. Its occurrence in highland regions in Brazilian states of Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Paraná, Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul was recorded. During two years, plants established in a shaded understory area, in Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil, were observed presenting suitable adaptation to environmental conditions and continuous flowering. In laboratory tests, 73, 38 and 56% of the seeds germinated under temperature regimes of, respectively, 20º C and 25ºC constant; and 20-30ºC (16h/20ºC) alternately. Seeds stored for 35 days in a cold chamber were cultivated in greenhouse conditions and presented 40 to 60% of plant conversion. Seedlings were transferred to micro-environments with different shading levels (3 a 30 KLux) in an understory area. In all micro-environments, culture conditions enable suitable adaptation and flowering between 15 to 30 days after planting. These observations confirmed the ornamental potential of S. betulaefolius for partially shaded areas, with the main advantage of the continuos presence of flowers.


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How to Cite

Fior, C. S., Calil, A. C., & Leonhardt, C. (2004). Siphocampylus betulaefolius (Cham.) G. Don: propagation and the ornamental potential. Iheringia. Série Botânica., 59(2), 207–210. Retrieved from


