The genus Croton (Euphorbiaceae s.s. – Crotonoideae) in the National Forest of Silvânia, Goiás, Brazil
Central Brazil, Cerrado, Crotoneae, taxonomyAbstract
A taxonomic survey of the genus Croton in The National Forest of Silvânia (FLONA-Silvânia) is presented as a part of the inventory of this genus in the state of Goiás. Ten species were recognized: C. abaitensis Baill., C. agrarius Baill., C. antisyphiliticus Mart., C. glandulosus L., C. goyazensis Müll. Arg., C. intercedens Müll. Arg., C. sclerocalyx (Didr.) Müll. Arg., C. spica Baill., C. tamberlikii Müll. Arg. and C. urucurana Baill. distinguished mainly by the shape of the leaf glands and morphology of the pistillate fl owers. Croton abaitensis, C. spica and C. tamberlikii are new records for Goiás and the fi rst two along with C. agrarius and C. intercedens are illustrated here for the first time. An identifi cation key, descriptions and illustrations of the taxa are presented, as well as comments on their distribution, habitat and morphological relations.
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