Scape architecture of Schoenoplectus californicus (C.A. Mey.) Soják (Cyperaceae).
aerenchyma, anatomy, diaphragm, morphology, verticalityAbstract
.A. Mey.) Soják, to understand the organization of tissues and structures involved on the vertical architecture of this organ. Thirty scapes were collected in Cachoeira River, Antonina, Paraná, to evaluate quantitative morphological and anatomical traits.
Among the anatomical and morphological analyzed characteristics, the triangle-piramidal shape of the scape, air lacunae with diaphragms and arm cells, scattered vascular bundles and subepidermical fi ber bundles seems to be determinants on the verticality of the scape. The maintenance of scape verticality resides on the balance between the investment on mechanical tissues represented by the organization of fi ber and vascular bundles and aerenchyma, and the investment on the photosynthetic tissue, represented by the thick palisade parenchyma, that involves uniformly the scape, ensuring photosynthetic functions without compromising the sustentation.
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