Allelophaty potential of <i>Stryphnodendron adstringens</i> (Mart). Coville on seed germination and initial growth of hairy beggartick


  • Anelise Samara Nazari Formagio Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados
  • Tathiana Elisa Masetto Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados
  • Lucas Noboru Fatori Trevizan Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados
  • Maria do Carmo Vieira Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados


Bidens pilosa, inhibitory eff ect, medicinal plant.


We assessesed the allelopathic potential of the methanol extracts and hexane, chloroform, ethyl acetate and hydromethanic fractions from Stryphnodendron adstringens leaves, known as barbatimão, on seed germination and initial seedling growth on hairy beggartick, as well as the content of fl avonoids and phenols. Hairy beggartick seeds were distributed on germitest paper, moistened in 2ml of extract in petri dishes, and stored in a B.O.D germinator at 25 ºC with constant white light. The evaluations consisted of percent germination, primary root length and hypocotyl of seedlings (cm). The methanolic extract presented a more eff ective suppressive eff ect on the germination and growth of seedlings, indicating that only the synergistic eff ect of the barbatimon leaf compounds may be able to inhibit the establishment of the hairy beggartick. The extract had high content of phenols and fl avonoids.


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How to Cite

Formagio, A. S. N., Masetto, T. E., Trevizan, L. N. F., & Vieira, M. do C. (2018). Allelophaty potential of <i>Stryphnodendron adstringens</i> (Mart). Coville on seed germination and initial growth of hairy beggartick. Iheringia. Série Botânica., 73(1), 60–64. Retrieved from


