Physiological and biochemical changes in seeds and seedlings of red clover submitted to diesel oil


  • Fernanda Reolon Tonel
  • Patrícia Marini
  • Caroline Leivas Moraes
  • Juliana de Magalhães Bandeira
  • Leopoldo Mario Baudet Labbé
  • Francisco Amaral Villela
  • Dario Munt de Moraes

Parole chiave:

germination, phytoremediation, plant growth, Trifolium pratense L.


The aim of this study was to verify the seed and seedling tolerances of red clover exposed to increasing diesel oil concentrations, through physiological and biochemical changes, in order to indicate this species for use in possible phytoremediation of contaminated areas. Therefore, the substrate was moistened with different diesel oil concentrations (0; 0.1; 0.2; 0.3% v/v) and the seeds were placed to germinate, and the following were later assessed: fi rst germination count (FGC), germination speed index (GSI), electrical conductivity (EC), initial growth, and activity of hydrolytic enzymes. The germination, the FGC, and the GSI decreased as the diesel oil concentrations increased, as well as seed α-amylase and phosphatase enzyme activity. There was a decrease of EC in both incubation periods in the highest diesel oil concentration. The physiological and biochemical changes caused by diesel oil in red clover seeds and seedlings demonstrate that the germination and early growth of this species is harmed.


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Riferimenti bibliografici

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Come citare

Tonel, F. R., Marini, P., Moraes, C. L., Bandeira, J. de M., Labbé, L. M. B., Villela, F. A., & Moraes, D. M. de. (2013). Physiological and biochemical changes in seeds and seedlings of red clover submitted to diesel oil. Iheringia, Série Botânica., 68(2), 195–201. Recuperato da


