Species of Ganoderma Karsten in a subtropical area (Santa Catarina State, Southern Brazil)
Mots-clés :
fungos, Basidiomycetes, taxonomia, biodiversidade, distribuição.Résumé
The study of Ganoderma species in the state of Santa Catarina (Southern Brazil) found seven species: G. annulare (Fr.) Gilbn., G. applanatum (Pers.) Pat., G. australe (Fr.) Pat., G. lucidum (W. Curt.: Fr.) Karst., G. oerstedii (Fr.) Murr., G. resinaceum Boud. and G. subamboinense (Henn.) Bazzalo & Wright. A distribution geographical pattern of these species for the State is provided. G. oerstedii, G. lucidum and G. subamboinense are new records from Santa Catarina State.Téléchargements
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