Pigmented Euglenophyceae of a shallow, acidic lake, Itapuã State Park, Southern Brazil.
pigmented Euglenophyceae, taxonomy, distribution, acidic lake.Abstract
This paper presents the results of the qualitative seazonal study of pigmented Euglenaceae in
a shallow acidic lake, in the Itapuã State Park (30°20’ and 30°27’S, 50°50’ and 51°05’W), near
Porto Alegre, capital of the State of Rio Grande do Sul, with an area of about 5,566.50 ha. The park is situated in an area of subtropical climate. A total of 59 specific and infraspecific taxa of algae were determined, where many are first reports for the study area. Phacus longicauda var. major f. insecta, Trachelomonas bulla, T. crispa, and T. granulosa var. subglobosa are new records for Rio Grande do Sul State, and Trachelomonas balechii is a new record for Brazil. The genus Trachelomonas had the largest number of taxa in the studied area. As to the geographic distribution, 27 taxa are cosmopolitan species and seven taxa are found exclusively in South America. The highest diversity was found in the spring and the lowest in the summer.
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