Genus Closterium (Closteriaceae) in periphytic community in Salto do Vau Reservoir, southern Brazil.
taxonomy, Closteriaceae, Periphytic algae, longitudinal distribution.Abstract
The aim of this study was to describe, illustrate and to register the occurrence of Closterium in the periphytic community in Salto do Vau reservoir. The samples were collected in the summer and winter periods, during 2002. Samples were taken from natural substratum of the epiphyton type in the adult stadium. Substrata were collected in three regions from the littoral region (superior, intermediate, and lacustrine). In the results there were registered 23 species in the
Closterium, with 22 registered in the summer and 11 in the winter period. Comparing periods and regions, richness was greater in summer, especially in the lacustrine, and in winter period the greatest richness occurred in the intermediate region. The best represented species were: Closterium ehrenbergii Meneghini ex Ralfs var. immane Wolle, C. incurvum Brébisson var. incurvum and C. moniliferum (Bory) Ehrenberg ex Ralfs var. concavum Klebs.
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