Physiological performance and antioxidant metabolism of red rice seedlings due actions to Philodendron extract


  • Tiago Zanatta Aumonde
  • Emanuela Garbin Martinazzo
  • Tiago Pedó
  • Junior Borella
  • Luciano do Amarante
  • Francisco Amaral Villela
  • Dario Munt de Moraes


chlorophyll, antioxidants enzymes, germination, initial growth


This research aimed to evaluate the leaves extract concentration infl uence of Philodendron bipinnatifi dum Shott on physiological characteristics of red rice seeds (Oryza sativa L.) and seedlings. It was evaluated germination, fi rst count germination, speed and germination speed index, length of shoot and root, chlorophyll content, electrical conductivity, activity of the enzymes superoxide dismutase, catalase and ascorbarto peroxidase, lipid peroxidation, content of hydrogen peroxide and seedling emergence, length of organs and total dry mass of seedlings emerged. Observed reducing the germination, the contents of chlorophyll and root length was reduced with increasing concentration of the extract was observed. There was an increase in the lipid peroxidation and activity of the enzymes superoxide dismutase and ascorbate peroxidase,
with the concentration of the extract. The extract of P. bipinnatifi dum show toxicity in the seeds and in seedlings of red rice depending on the concentration.


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How to Cite

Aumonde, T. Z., Martinazzo, E. G., Pedó, T., Borella, J., Amarante, L. do, Villela, F. A., & Moraes, D. M. de. (2015). Physiological performance and antioxidant metabolism of red rice seedlings due actions to Philodendron extract. Iheringia. Série Botânica., 70(1), 47–56. Retrieved from


