Citharexylum L. and Verbenoxylum Tronc. distribution and landscape potential, Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil
Verbenaceae, taxonomy, phytogeographyAbstract
The genera Citharexylum L. and Verbenoxylum Tronc. (Verbenaceae) are woody plants. In Rio Grande do Sul State, three species of Citharexylum occur: C. montevidense (Spreng.) Moldenke, C. myrianthum Cham., and C. solanaceum Cham. including its variety macrocalyx Moldenke. All present large and discontinuous distribution in the State. Verbenoxylum is a monotypic genus of Southern Brazil, its only species, V. reitzii (Moldenke) Tronc., has a distribution limited more to the coastal region. Both genera have characteristics that permit an ornamental growth. This
study presents a geographical distribution, key for identifi cation of these two genera and the Citharexylum species, descriptions, phenological and habitat data in addition to explaining their potential use in landscape.
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