Plant reproductive traits in Tropical Coastal Vegetation forests of northeastern Brazil
endemism center, floral attributes, floral resources, restingaAbstract
Studies related to ecological strategies are important for understanding biological processes, mainly to plant-animal interactions. The aim of this study was to describe the biological attributes of the woody vegetation of the restingas of the Pernambuco Endemism Center (PEC) to understand plant diversity and compare with studies carried out on restinga, and adjacent ecosystems. A database of woody species was assembled from floristic and phytosociological surveys with information on: biological form, floral and carpological attributes, pollination and fruiting syndromes. The results showed biological attributes similar to those of other tropical forests, varying according to physiognomic and abiotic differences. The inconspicuous flowers stood out, average size, hermaphrodites, with nectar, pollinated by bees, fleshy fruits and syndromes of biotic dispersion, characteristics of most species of the restingas of the PEC. Research like this provides data on the functioning of restingas, serving as an important tool for the application of anthropized ecosystem restoration.
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