Seed germination of Ornithogalum saundersiae, under different temperatures
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evaluation criteria, ornamental bulbous, ornitogalo, germination temperature, seed viabilityRésumé
Ornitogalo is a bulbous plant with ornamental and medicinal potential, which verifies the lack of information on the evaluation of the viability of its seeds. The objective of this work was to study the ecology of the germination, determining the ideal temperature and the duration of the process, as well as to define the evaluation tests of its seedlings, to help genetic improvement the specie. Three germination temperatures were tested, analyzing the percentage and speed of the process, in addition to the characterization of seedlings. An ideal temperature for germination of 25 °C, with a high percentage of normal seedlings (92%), with the first counting to be performed within 15 days after sowing and the last counting up to 31 days. Normal seedlings showed root protrusion, root hairs, bulb and leaf primordia. Abnormal seedlings were characterized by the absence or deformities of the leaf, root or bulb primordium.
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