Novos registros de Perenniporia s. l. e Pyrofomes para o Cerrado Brasileiro
fungos xilófilos, Políporos, Polyporales, taxonomiaResumo
Durante expedições de coleta de políporos no Parque Nacional da Chapada dos Guimarães, estado de Mato Grosso, Brasil, foram coletados espécimes de Perenniporia s. l. e Pyrofomes Kotl. & Pouzar. Hornodermoporus martius (Berk.) Teixeira, Perenniporia aurantiaca (A. David & Rajchenb.) Decock & Ryvarden, P. tephropora (Mont.) Ryvarden, Pyrofomes lateritius (Cooke) Ryvarden e Truncospora detrita (Berk.) Decock são apresentados como novos registros para o bioma Cerrado. Ilustrações, uma breve descrição e discussão de cada espécie, bem como uma chave de identifi cação são apresentadas.
Abrahão, M.C., Gugliotta, A.M. & Bononi, V.L.R. 2012. Xylophilous Agaricomycetes (Basidiomycota) of the Brazilian Cerrado. Check List 8(5):1102-1116.
Aguiar, L.M.S. & Camargo, A.J.A. 2004. Cerrado: Ecologia e Caracterização. Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária Cerrados, Planaltina. 249 p.
Baltazar, J.M. & Gibertoni, T.B. 2009. A checklist of the aphyllophoroid fungi (Basidiomycota) recorded from the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Mycotaxon 109:439-442.
Binder, M., Justo, H.A., Riley, R., Salamov, A., López- Giráldez, F., Sjökvist, E., Copeland, A., Foster, B., Sun, H., Larsson, E., Larsson, K.H., Townsend, J., Grigoriev, I.V. & Hibbett, D.S. 2013. Phylogenetic and Phylogenomic overview of the Polyporales. Mycologia 105(6):1350-1373.
Bononi, V.L.R., Oliveira, A.K.M., Quevedo, J.R. & Gugliotta, A.M. 2008. Fungos macroscópicos do Pantanal do Rio Negro, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil. Hoehnea 35(4):489-511.
Corner, E.J.H. 1989. Ad Polyporaceas V. Beihefte zur Nova Hedwigia 96:1-218.
Dai, Y., Niemelä, T. & Kinnunen, J. 2002. The polypore genera Abundisporus and Perenniporia (Basidiomycota) in China, with notes on Haploporus. Annales Botanic Fennice 39:169-182.
David, A. & Rajchenberg, M. 1985. Pore Fungi from French Antilles and Guiana. Mycotaxon 22:285-325.
Decock, C. 2011. Studies in Perenniporia s.l. (Polyporaceae): African Taxa VII. Truncospora oboensis sp. nov., an undescribed Species from High
Elevation Cloud Forest of São Tome. Cryptogamie, Mycologie 32(4):383-390.
Decock, C., Castillo, G. & Valenzuela, R. 2010. Studies in Perenniporia s.l. Perenniporiella tepeitensis comb. nov., an addition to Perenniporiella: evidence from morphological and molecular data. Cryptogamie,
Mycologie 31(4):419-429.
Decock, C. & Ryvarden, L. 1999a. Studies in neotropical polypores. Some coloured resupinate Perenniporia species. Mycological Research 103(9):1138-1144.
Decock, C. & Ryvarden, L. 1999b. Studies in Perenniporia: Perenniporia detrita and its taxonomic synonyms. Mycologia 91(2):386-395.
Decock, C. & Ryvarden, L. 2003. Perenniporiella gen. nov. segregated from Perenniporia, including a key to neotropical Perenniporia species with pileate basidiomes. Mycological Research 107(1):93-103.
Decock, C. & Stalpers, J.A. 2006. Studies in Perenniporia: Polyporus unitus, Boletus medulla-panis, the nomenclature of Perenniporia, Poria and Physisporus, and a note on European Perenniporia with a resupinate
basidiome. Taxon 55(3):759-778.
Drechsler-Santos, E.R., Ryvarden, L., Bezerra, J.L., Gibertoni, T.B., Salvador-Montoya, C.A. & Calvacanti, M.A.Q. 2013a. New records of Auriculariales, Hymenochaetales and Polyporales (Fungi: Agaricomycetes) for the Caatinga Biome. Check List 9(4):800-805.
Drechsler-Santos, E.R., Gibertoni, T.B., Cavalcanti, M.A.Q., Ryvarden, L. & Góes-Neto, A. 2013b. Basidiomycota: Polypores – Orelhas de pau. In Guide to the Common Fungi of the Semiarid Region of Brazil (M.A. Neves, I.G. Baseia, E.R. Drechsler-Santos, A. Góes-Neto, eds.) TECC, Florianópolis, p. 53-82.
Felfilli, J.M., Ribeiro, J.F., Fagg, C.W. & Machado, J.W. 2000. Manual para recuperação de Matas de Galeria. Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária Cerrados, Planaltina. 45 p.
Gerber, A.L., Neves, M.A. & Loguercio-Leite, C. 1999. Some species of Perenniporia Murrill (Poriales, Basidiomycotina) from Southern Brazil. Revista Brasileira de Botânica 22(2):185-193.
Gibertoni, T.B. & Drechsler-Santos, E.R. 2010. Lignocellulolytic Agaricomycetes from the Brazilian Cerrado biome. Mycotaxon 111:87-90.
Gibertoni, T.B., Ryvarden, L. & Cavalcanti, M.A.Q. 2004. Poroid fungi (Basidiomycota) of the Atlantic Rain Forest in Northern Brazil. Synopsis Fungorum 18:33-43.
Gilbertson, R.L. & Ryvarden, L. 1987. North American Polypores, Vol. II. Fungifl ora, Oslo. p. 438-885.
Gomes-Silva, A.C. & Gibertoni, T.B. 2009. Checklist of the aphyllophoraceous fungi (Agaricomycetes) of the Brazilian Amazonia. Mycotaxon 108:319-322.
Gugliotta, A.M., Gibertoni, T.B., Drechsler-Santos, E.R., Silveira, R.M.B., Chikowski, R.S., Pires, R.M., Montoya, C.A.S., Souza, J.F., Palacio, M., Rezende, D.H.C. 2014. Polyporales in Lista de Espécies da Flora do Brasil. Available at: http://fl oradobrasil.jbrj. Acessed on 19, November, 2014.
Lodge, D.J., Ammirati, J.F., O’Dell, T.E. & Mueller, G.M. 2004. Collecting and Describing Macrofungi. In Biodiversity of Fungi: Inventory and Monitoring Methods (G.M. Mueller, G.F. Bills, M.S. Foster, eds.). Elsevier Academic Press, USA, p. 128-158.
Medeiros, P.S., Gomes-Silva, A.C., Sotão, H.M.P., Ryvarden, L. & Gibertoni, T.B. 2012. Notes on Perenniporia Murrill (Basidiomycota) from the Brazilian Amazonia. Nova Hedwigia 94(3-4):507-519.
Núñez, M. & Ryvarden, L. 2001. East Asian Polypores. Polyporaceae s.l . Synopsis Fungorum 14:170-522.
Pires, F.A.O. & Mota, L.C. 2009. Plano de Manejo Parque Nacional da Chapada dos Guimarães. Available at: Acessed on 19, November, 2014.
Robledo, G.L., Amalfi , M., Castillo, G., Rajchenberg, M & Decock, C. 2009. Perenniporiella chaquenia sp. nov. and further notes on Perenniporiella and its relationships with Perenniporia (Poriales,
Basidiomycota). Mycologia 101(5):657-673.
Ryvarden, L. 1988. Type studies in the Polyporaceae 19. Species described by M.C. Cooke. Mycotaxon 31(1):45-58.
Ryvarden, L. 1991. Genera of Polypores. Nomenclature and taxonomy. Synopsis Fungorum 5:1-363.
Ryvarden, L. & Johansen, I. 1980. A preliminary polypore flora of East Africa. Fungifl ora, Oslo. 636 p.
Ryvarden, L. & Meijer, A.A.R. 2002. Studies in neotropical polypores 14. New species from the state of Paraná, Brazil. Synopsis Fungorum 15:34-69.
Spirin, W.A., Zmitrovich, I.V. & Malysheva, V.F. 2005. Notes on Perenniporiaceae. Folia Cryptogamica Petropolitana 6:1-67.
Teixeira, A.R. 1994. Genera of Polyporaceae: an objective approach. Chácara Botânica de Itu. São Paulo. 91 p. Thiers, B. [continuously updated]. Index Herbariorum: A global directory of public herbaria and associated staff. New York Botanical Garden’s Virtual Herbarium.
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Wright, J.E., Bolontrade, M.F. & Fazio, A.T. 1996. The genus Pyrofomes in Argentina and the cultural features of P. lateritius (Aphyllophorales). Mycotaxon 60:305- 313.
Zhao, C.L., Cui, B.K. & Dai, Y.C. 2013. New species and phylogeny of Perenniporia based on morphological and molecular characters. Fungal Diversity 58(1):47- 60.
Zmitrovich, I.V. 2001. Macrosystem and phylogeny of Basidiomycetes: a case for red algal progenitor. Mycena, 1(3):58.