Effect of the fipronil insecticide on physiological and morphoanatomical parameters in Cerrado species


  • Lícia Priscila Nogueira Azevedo Universidade Federal do Tocantins https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7690-0003
  • Tiago Borges Rocha Banco da Amazônia SA.
  • Flavia Barreira Gonçalves Universidade Federal do Tocantins
  • Ana Beatriz Nunes Ribeiro Universidade Federal do Tocantins
  • Victorina Bispo Aires Universidade Federal de Viçosa
  • Eduardo Andrea Lemus Erasmo Universidade Federal do Tocantins
  • Kellen Lagares Ferreira Silva Universidade Federal do Tocantins https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1810-4540




agrotoxic, cagaita, phytotoxicity


The increase in the use of pesticides in the Cerrado region has been influenced by the expansion of agricultural production, driven by agribusiness. These products can reach non-target areas through drift, becoming a significant threat to numerous native species with high economic, ecological, and social potential. In Brazil, fipronil is among the most commercialized insecticides for controlling pests resistant to other pesticides. Therefore, the objective was to identify the physiological and morpho-anatomical responses of Eugenia dysenterica when exposed to fipronil to assess its potential as a bioindicator species for areas affected by this insecticide. Phytotoxicity, physiological, and morpho-anatomical characteristics of E. dysenterica were analyzed at the following concentrations of fipronil: 260, 520, and 1040 g.a.i./ha, respectively. The individuals showed sensitivity to the insecticide with phytotoxicity symptoms, reductions in photosynthetic rates, stomatal conductance, and transpiration, as well as anatomical modifications in tissues (changes in cell shape and coloration of contents in the secretory canal, a decrease in the thickness of epidermal tissues, and palisade parenchyma). These changes can serve as an indicator of fipronil presence in these plants and open the perspective for the use of E. dysenterica as a biomonitor of environments contaminated by this insecticide.


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How to Cite

Azevedo, L. P. N., Rocha, T. B., Gonçalves, F. B., Ribeiro, A. B. N., Aires, V. B., Erasmo, E. A. L., & Silva, K. L. F. (2024). Effect of the fipronil insecticide on physiological and morphoanatomical parameters in Cerrado species. Iheringia. Série Botânica., 79. https://doi.org/10.21826/2446-82312024v79e20241112


