Micropropagation of Dyckia maritima Baker – Bromeliaceae.
bromeliads, tissue culture, direct organogenesis, in vitro propagation.Abstract
Bromeliads of the genus Dyckia are terrestrial and ornamental. The aim of this work was to establish a protocol for micropropagation of D. maritima. Seeds germinated in vitro produced plantlets that were cultured on MS medium supplemented with a combination of BAP (6-benzylaminopurine) and IBA (indole-3- butyric acid). The plantlets formed protuberances at the basal region after 60 days. Lateral buds were formed during subculture to medium supplemented with the same BAP concentration plus 0.5 μM IBA. The lateral buds were excised and subcultivated on MS medium supplemented with BAP or KIN (6-furfurylaminopurine). The best multiplication rates obtained with both growth regulators were found at the concentration of 2.0 μM. The shoots were rooted on MS medium supplemented with 0.5 μM IBA, with 33% of efficiency. The clones were acclimatized in a substrate constituted of soil, sand and vermiculite (1:1:1), with 90% of survival.
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