Spontaneous vegetation in croplands under different management practices established on natural grassland.
management, natural grassland, restoration ecology, spontaneous plant.Abstract
This study verified the influence of tillage cropping systems established in natural grassland of RS (30º05’ S, 51º40’ O) upon the spontaneous vegetation. It was evaluated in three systems (no-tillage – NT; reduced tillage – RT; conventional tillage – CT) arranged in seven blocks, using the Braun-Blanquet scale, in May and October 2002. Environmental variables were
registered. MULTIV and SYNCSA software were used for ordination, congruence and testing
hypotheses analyses. NT had more species than RT and CT. Brachiaria plantaginea was the
most abundant, presenting lower cover-abundance and frequency in NT. Desmodium incanum,
Elephantopus mollis, Hypoxis decumbens, and Eryngium horridum, presented higher cover-abundance and frequency after three years of NT, functioning as key species for natural grassland restoration. Soil variables showed associations with vegetation. Cropping tillage systems affects the spontaneous vegetation, and species respond differently to these effects. The application of these results should be carried out with precaution, and long term studies are necessary.
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