Leandra section Leandraria (Melastomataceae) in the state of Paraná, Brazil


  • Eduardo Antonio de Camargo
  • Renato Goldenberg


Melastomataceae, Leandra, Leandraria, Paraná.


The genus Leandra Raddi can be recognized by its terminal inflorescences, acute to acuminate petals and baccate fruits. Section Leandraria DC. is characterized by panicles with capitate flowers, densely clustered at the apex of the branches and involved by large involucral bracts. The section is composed by seven species in the state of Paraná (L. amplexicaulis DC., L. bergiana Cogn., L. eichleri Cogn., L. fragilis Cogn., L. melastomoides Raddi, L. pubistyla Wurdack, and L. sericea DC.). This is the first record of Leandra sericea and L. eichleri for the state. The species of this section are more common in the Coastal Region, “Serra do Mar” and “Primeiro Planalto”. This study includes an identification key, descriptions, illustrations, and collection lists for the species of Leandra section Leandraria from Paraná.


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How to Cite

Camargo, E. A. de, & Goldenberg, R. (2007). Leandra section Leandraria (Melastomataceae) in the state of Paraná, Brazil. Iheringia. Série Botânica., 62(1/2), 103–112. Retrieved from https://isb.emnuvens.com.br/iheringia/article/view/175


