Fragilaria longifusiformis (Hains & Sebring) Siver et al. (Diatomeae) in subtropical rivers and reservoirs.


  • Thelma Alvim Veiga Ludwig
  • Priscila Izabel Tremarin
  • Marcele Laux
  • André Andrian Padial
  • Lezilda Carvalho Torgan


Fragilariophyceae, planktonic diatom, southern Brazil.


Fragilaria longifusiformis (Hains & Sebring) Siver et al. is a planktonic diatom distributed widely aroud the world, with rare published records or information on its occurrence in Brazil. We believe that the valve face ornamentations, inconspicuous under light microscopy, hinder the accurate identification of the species, leading to misidentification with other similar species of Fragilaria Lyngbye , Synedra Ehrenberg or Nitzschia Hassall. The goals of this study were to illustrate the morphological variability of the southern Brazilian specimens, with and without plastids, detail the ultrastructure of the taxon and confirm the geographic distribution of populations in regional reservoirs and rivers. Phytoplankton sampling was carried out from 2007 to 2011. The morphological characteristics of Brazilian populations of F. longifusiformis match
the original circumscription of this species, except for smaller valve dimensions of some


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How to Cite

Ludwig, T. A. V., Tremarin, P. I., Laux, M., Padial, A. A., & Torgan, L. C. (2016). Fragilaria longifusiformis (Hains & Sebring) Siver et al. (Diatomeae) in subtropical rivers and reservoirs. Iheringia. Série Botânica., 70(2), 385–396. Retrieved from


