Epilithic diatoms (Bacillariophyta) from the Itajaí basin, Santa Catarina, Brazil
periphyton, lotic system, taxonomy, first recordsAbstract
This study aimed to know the epilithic diatoms taxonomic composition of the Anomoeoneidaceae, Cymbellaceae, Gomphonemaceae, Achnanthidiaceae, Brachysiraceae and Naviculaceae families and to verify the spatial distribution of the taxa in 19 rivers of the Itajaí River Basin. The samplings covered five sub-basins, from April to May 2009. 59 specific and infra-specific taxa were identified, distributed in 18 genera. The most representative families were Naviculaceae and Gomphonemataceae with 15 taxa each. Gomphonema Ehrenberg (15 taxa) and Navicula Bory (13 taxa) were the richiest in species. Morphometric data and images are presented in light microscopy and / or scanning electron microscope. A total of 28 taxa are pioneering citations for the state of Santa Catarina, contributing to the floristic knowledge of diatoms in lotic environments in southern Brazil.
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