Taxonomic studies of <i>Myrcia (Myrciinae, Myrtaceae)<i> in Brazil: morphological novelties, circumscriptions, and new records for the Amazon


  • Alessandro Silva Rosário Universidade do Estado do Pará
  • José Fernando Baumgratz
  • Ricardo Secco


Brazilian Amazon, geographic distribution, taxonomy.


Based on recent studies on Myrtaceae in the Brazilian Amazon, we present an update of the morphological circumscription of Myrcia, including eight new occurrences of the genus in Pará State, three of which represent new records for the Amazon region. Comments are provided on the diagnostic features and taxonomic affi nities of each species, their geographic distributions, and their preferred environments of occurrence. Recommendations for updating the list of Brazilian Myrtaceae species are presented.


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Biografia Autor

Alessandro Silva Rosário, Universidade do Estado do Pará

Professor/Pesquisador no Departamento de Recursos Naturais (DTRN) / UEPA


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Como Citar

Rosário, A. S., Baumgratz, J. F., & Secco, R. (2017). Taxonomic studies of <i>Myrcia (Myrciinae, Myrtaceae)<i> in Brazil: morphological novelties, circumscriptions, and new records for the Amazon. Iheringia, Série Botânica., 72(2), 165–172. Obtido de


